Two years ago, I had the chance to visit Ocean Park along with my Taiwanese Family (they consider me as part of their family). I wonder how it looks like this time. I'll be in Hongkong, this coming Friday (for business) just for two days. I wish I have time to visit here again!

weather was not that hot!

Here some moments to share:

First, we took cable car from Lowland

to headland (nice view)...

had some fun rides... Ferris Wheel

Flying Swing

The Dragon
(the longest roller coaster in HK)

Crazy Galleon

visited "Atoll Reef"....played games...

watched Dolphins and Sea Lions Show

went back to Lowland for "grand prix"
for two rounds... 

fed bird and pose for pics...

too bad, I can't wait for 75 minutes
to experience soaring 100 m into air,
maybe next time...

Ocean Park is the most wonderful place to visit once in a lifetime.The weather conditions are so calm and cool and traveled by cable car is remarkable. Flying swing and watching Dolphins and Sea Lions Show are fabulous. We at www.myhkttour.com provides all tours and travels comfortably.